Pemberton Market Updates



Sell Your Home Faster

Posted on Jul 02, 2024

Selling real estate can be a complex and demanding process. Here are some tips to help you navigate it successfully and maximize your property’s value:

Preparing Your Home for Sale
  1. Declutter and Depersonalize: Remove personal items and excessive furniture to make your home look more spacious and allow buyers to envision themselves living there.
  2. Clean...

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Smart Home Technology

Posted on Jun 11, 2024

Smart home technology has become increasingly important to consider when buying real estate for several compelling reasons:
  1. Enhanced Convenience: Smart home devices offer unparalleled convenience by automating routine tasks and providing remote access to home systems. From controlling lights and thermostats with a smartphone to setting up automated...

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Canadian Inflation (April 2024)

Posted on May 21, 2024 in General

Canadian Inflation (April 2024) -May 21, 2024

Canadian prices, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), rose 2.7 per cent on a year-over-year basis in April, down from a 2.9 per cent increase in March. Month-over-month, on a seasonally adjusted basis, CPI rose by 0.2 per cent in April. The deceleration in headline CPI was driven by softening f...

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Underused Housing Tax (UHT)

Posted on May 21, 2024

On January 1, 2022, the Government of Canada introduced the Underused Housing Tax (UHT) with the intended goal of helping to cool down Canada’s housing market.

The Underused House Tax is an annual 1% tax on residential property owned by non-resident, non-Canadians that is deemed to be vacant or underused by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). There a...

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House Insurance

Posted on May 07, 2024

Homeowners insurance is a crucial financial safeguard that protects your home and belongings from unforeseen events. While it's a necessity, the cost of homeowners insurance can vary significantly based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help homeowners make informed decisions and manage their insurance costs effectively.


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Buying Strategy - A Great Tool That Could Help!

Posted on Apr 23, 2024

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. That is why it is a good idea to use a spreadsheet or checklist to keep track of the homes that you see and compare their features against your preferences.

Using a spreadsheet for choosing how to buy a home can be a practical and organized way to evaluate your options and make...

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Get In Touch

Danielle Menzel Personal Real Estate Corporation

Mobile: 604-698-5128

Phone: 604-894-1333

Toll Free: 1-877-242-2448 ext 333

Fax: 604-894-5176


Office Info

The Whistler Real Estate Co. Ltd.

5-7331 Arbutus Street  Pemberton,  BC  V0N 2L1 

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