We are officially in the one month count down to Christmas! There’s no denying it as the air in Pemberton becomes crisp and Mount Currie hovers over us, now covered in snow. So while I’m sure you are all busy winterizing your homes, stocking up on wood for the stove, and getting your ski gear ready, you must also be thinking about what you are going to give your family and friends for Christmas! I have always loved supporting local businesses, and now, more than ever, I think we should all show our local Pemberton Makers and Artisans some extra love. So, here’s a few local companies that I love and I think you will too! Conveniently located right in town, there is a pop-up shop called Artisan’s Collective. This shop is hosting a bunch of local artists and each section is something different. There’s home décor, photography, kitchen wares, and lots more. It’s changing all the time, so head in and check it out! Shout out to Love Craft Collective, one of the artists; her macrame is gorgeous and I think every Pemberton Home Owner should have a Love Craft piece in their home. www.etsy.com/ca/shop/LoveCraftCollective

The Flour Pot is everyone’s favourite Pemberton Bakery. Lisa is an amazing baker and her cookies and scones are some of the most delicious treats I have ever had. Trust me, these are GOURMET treats, not your average grocery store cookies. I love that all of her bakery items are locally made right here in Pemberton, so fresh really means fresh! www.theflourpot.ca

If you’re keeping it simple this year and giving gift certificates, you can’t go wrong with the gift of a trip to the spa! This works for family, co-workers, employees… everyone could use something at the spa. Ivy Esthetics is a gorgeous little spot right in town. They have really cool local gifts in their shop too! www.ivyesthetics.com

Everyone needs a break from cooking some times, and everyone loves a warm, wholesome meal, so if you are looking for a local Pemberton restaurant, Town Square is delicious. They are not only a local restaurant, they also source all of their ingredients as locally as possible. Their wine list is the best in town, and their cocktails are awesome too! www.townsquarepemberton.com

And of course, the reality of our little ones is that nothing compares to a new Lego set or a Squishmallow! Fortunately, there are two great local shops that sell kids toys. IDA Pharmacy has a huge section, (well, huge by Pemberton standards), and Small Potatoes has some really cool toys and games! I hope this helps any of you who are looking for gift ideas this holiday season. I know I love the ability to go for a walk to find what I need for my family. It’s much more refreshing than sitting inside surfing the internet!

The Flour Pot is everyone’s favourite Pemberton Bakery. Lisa is an amazing baker and her cookies and scones are some of the most delicious treats I have ever had. Trust me, these are GOURMET treats, not your average grocery store cookies. I love that all of her bakery items are locally made right here in Pemberton, so fresh really means fresh! www.theflourpot.ca

If you’re keeping it simple this year and giving gift certificates, you can’t go wrong with the gift of a trip to the spa! This works for family, co-workers, employees… everyone could use something at the spa. Ivy Esthetics is a gorgeous little spot right in town. They have really cool local gifts in their shop too! www.ivyesthetics.com

Everyone needs a break from cooking some times, and everyone loves a warm, wholesome meal, so if you are looking for a local Pemberton restaurant, Town Square is delicious. They are not only a local restaurant, they also source all of their ingredients as locally as possible. Their wine list is the best in town, and their cocktails are awesome too! www.townsquarepemberton.com

And of course, the reality of our little ones is that nothing compares to a new Lego set or a Squishmallow! Fortunately, there are two great local shops that sell kids toys. IDA Pharmacy has a huge section, (well, huge by Pemberton standards), and Small Potatoes has some really cool toys and games! I hope this helps any of you who are looking for gift ideas this holiday season. I know I love the ability to go for a walk to find what I need for my family. It’s much more refreshing than sitting inside surfing the internet!